The Missoula Real Estate Guide features thousands of pages of the very latest real estate listings and homes for sale in Missoula and Western Montana
by Mindy & Steve Palmer. Not your ordinary Missoula real estate agents.

Winner, Best Real Estate Agent, Best of Missoula, 2012

Best of Missoula logo, 2012

Mindy Palmer is the only person to win this category since we started offering it in 2006. How does she do it? “We made a conscious decision after seeing all these cheesy real estate head shots—we needed to break out of the mold,” says Steve Palmer, who’s Mindy’s husband and the marketing-half of their team. “But I wouldn’t have gotten this far with just the wacky ads,” Mindy says. “There’s substance in the bright green converse.” She also prides herself on connecting with people and being authentic, insightful and compassionate, on top of her sheer dedication. All of which, obviously, works very well.


First Place: Mindy Palmer, Prudential Montana Real Estate.


Best of Missoula Readers Poll, Missoula Independent, July 12, 2012